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New Traffic Rule: You can Be Fined If There Is Less Petrol In Your Vehicle or Two Wheeler.


Now The Challan Will Be Deducted Even If There 

New Traffic Rule: You can Be Fined If There Is Less Petrol In Your Vehicle or Two Wheeler.

New Traffic Rule: You can Be Fined If There Is Less Petrol In Your Vehicle or Two Wheeler.




New traffic rules

To avoid traffic challan, keep all the necessary things including helmet, driving license, pollution card, vehicle papers with you. Despite all this, the challan of a person was deducted for this reason, because there was less petrol in his car.

Yes, you will be surprised to know but a person in Kerala was recently handed over a challan by the traffic police, in which it was told that he was driving his motorcycle without sufficient fuel. This person named Basil Siam has posted the picture of the e-challan sent by the Kerala Traffic Police on his Facebook account and it has become viral on sight.

For information, let us tell you that this receipt of invoice is very much discussed on the internet. Actually this case is from Kerala, where a person was challaned because he was riding a motorcycle without sufficient fuel. It is clear that this guy came out on the road with a bike with less fuel. People are not digesting this thing that how one can be challaned for less fuel.

According to media reports, Basil Siam of Kerala was going to the office by bike. Along with this, due to being late, he took his bike on one way to save time and started walking in the wrong direction. Seeing him doing this, the traffic policeman stopped him and challaned him 250 rupees for violating the traffic rule. However, after reaching the office, Siam’s attention came to the fact that he has not been challaned for riding a bike on one-way, but for driving a vehicle with less petrol. What was then, he shared the picture of the challan on Facebook and the matter became viral.


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